What does the Nomad visa give you?
- Ability to live and work legally in Spain for 5 years. Important: You cannot be absent from the country for more than 6 months in a calendar year.
- The right to work for your spouse in the country and the possibility of family reunification.
- Preferential tax status (15% instead of 24%) when filing the appropriate return. (https://sede.agenciatributaria.gob.es/Sede/ca_es/irpf/tengo-que-presentar-declaracion/regimen-fiscal-aplicable-trabajadores-desplazados/regimen-especial.html)
How to get a visa?
- The Spanish Immigration Service (https://extranjeros.inclusion.gob.es/UnidadGrandesEmpresas/es/requisitos/teletrabajadores/index.htm) accepts visa applications (https://prointerweb.seg-social.gob.es/iley11/inicio/showTramites.action?procedimientoSel=200&proc=1) - you have to be in Spain to apply (in this case you can ask for a visa for 3 years at once) or you can go to your country’s consulate. Need to provide: a contract with your employer and a letter from him that the work can be done remotely, local insurance, housing contract, a balance statement from a bank account (calculation - monthly income x 12 months), a copy of diploma or resume with relevant work experience (at least 3 years), a certificate of criminal record from the countries where lived the past 2 years. You will also need a local NIE number, which can be obtained by appointment (https://icp.administracionelectronica.gob.es/icpplus/index.html) in the country or at the Spanish Consulate in your country.
- The required monthly income must be at least 2,200 euros, for a family of three - about 3,300 euros per month.
- The applicant must have no more than 20% of clients in Spain.