
Dec 21, 2022

Wintering in another country

Waking up to the sound of the surf or the sounds of the jungle, creating a healthy routine with morning surfing, yoga, or sharing breakfast with friends before the workday begins in… January, for example. And that’s just the beginning of the story of the coolness of wintering in the tropics for those with remote jobs. If you’ve never wintered outside your homeland before, it seems like a good time to give it a try.

What does wintering in the tropics give you?

Immersion in a different cultural code and mentality. The locals are sure to surprise you with their rituals, religion, unhurried service and attitude to life - smiling, positive, without fuss.

More time for your business and activities that have long been put off. The tropics dictate your schedule - you get up and go to bed early, the sun goes down every day at the same time, so the “magic of morning” becomes part of everyday life much easier and more pleasant. While your coworkers are asleep, you have time to do a bunch of your chores and start the work day at 12:00 with a sunset break.

No need to buy a down jacket and winter tires, with the ability to negotiate to rent a house can be much cheaper than in the big city, and it will not be an apartment / room, and a house with its own terrace or backyard, the same story with the bike. You don’t need a lot of stuff - slates, t-shirts, shorts, that’s it. In general, for $ 1000-1500 per month you can live quite comfortably, eat and have fun, experienced winterers spend a lot less.

You get to know like-minded people, you get into a community of people for whom to live in travel - the norm, you pull up English, learn new things - fit into the hike on the mountain, rafting, go to mitaps as much, if not more, than usual.

The choice of countries for wintering is quite extensive - it’s not only SEA (Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, etc.), but also South Africa, Dominica, Mauritius, Egypt, Mexico, India, Sri Lanka…

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