
Sha Lizada

City Philippines, Metro Manila
Gender Female
Age 31 years
Languages English
Support type 24/7
Service type Accomodation, Business, Impressions, Activities, Other
About me Hello travelers! I explored 13 of 17 regions in my home country. If you need info and tips in exploring the Philippines, just ask me out. At the moment, nearest international airport to me is Clark (2-3 hrs from Manila). Let me know if you need travel buddy; am mostly available on weekends. I am into culture, history, and nature as a social science teacher and environment advocate. In my travels, I also allocate language/culture exchange and volunteer opportunities. I also do solo travel once in a while and visited Cambodia, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. I am completing my Southeast Asia trip, hopefully in 2024. Reach out for any help in itinerary, booking, and other recommendations in the Philippines :")

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