
Jan 26, 2023

Instructions on how to quickly obtain citizenship of another country

Give birth to a child in the country where the child will obtain citizenship by right of birth and then obtain documents as a parent of a citizen. Options and speed of acquisition:
- 1 year - Uruguay
- 2 years - Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Bolivia, Brazil
- 3 years - Ecuador
- 5 years - Panama

Through investment in the country’s economy. For investments from 100 to 400 thousand can be obtained a passport of the following countries: Vanuatu, Grenada, Cambodia, Saint Lucia, Turkey, Montenegro, Greece, Georgia, Costa Rica, Malaysia, Serbia, the Philippines

Marriage to a citizen of another country

Naturalisation, when you legally reside in a certain country for a certain period of time and fulfil all your obligations and abide by the laws. Important: sometimes the qualifying period for citizenship may start when you obtain a permanent residence permit (Australia, Canada, Poland, Serbia, Czech Republic).

Timeframe for obtaining a passport of a country by naturalisation:

- 3 years - Armenia, Canada, Ecuador, Israel, Honduras, Paraguay, Serbia
- 4 years - Australia, Poland
- 5 years - Portugal, Belgium, Latvia, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Malta, Finland, France, Sweden, Ireland, United Kingdom, Panama, New Zealand, USA, Taiwan, Uruguay, Turkey, South Korea

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