
Oct 13, 2023

How to find cheap accommodation

The main thing is that we consider all options: hotels, apartments and hostels, they have options for 2 or 4 people. Hostels are especially favorable if we fly a large company of 6-8 people. In this case there is a chance to rent the whole room just for the company.

We open a site to search for accommodation, for example, Booking, choose the desired dates and put the lowest price. So, choosing by cost and looking at the location, we will find the most suitable options.

It is better to search for apartments on AirBnB on the same principle, by putting filters. We always use both services. You can never predict where there will be discounts on housing just in our time frame.

Let’s put aside our prejudice towards hostels, if we have any. Now especially in large cities, there is a large selection of such housing, where you can quite comfortably spend a few days. This is relevant for single travelers, because the price in hotels for one person is always greatly inflated.

If we want to find accommodation for free - CouchSurfing can help us. This is a service that shows who is ready to shelter travelers. Search early, preferably a month or more in advance, because many hosts can respond for several days.

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