
Dec 21, 2022

Dangerous countries

Afghanistan is the most dangerous country for foreigners - tourists are kidnapped, terrorist attacks happen in the cities. Afghanistan is also the world’s largest supplier of heroin and it is easy to run into a drug user as well as a pickpocket.

Kidnapping, armed robbery, pickpocketing in public transportation and supermarkets - poverty abounds. It is relatively safe to travel around the country only in designated areas, avoiding border areas. Safety rules should be adhered to: for example, it is better not to catch a cab on the street, so as not to run into a criminal behind the wheel

The country has been at war almost constantly in recent years. The population suffers from stagnant economy, civil unrest, armed conflicts

Papua New Guinea
Papuans have long been cut off from civilization, and while the cities we are now accustomed to have supermarkets, universities and factories, in the villages people still live in huts without electricity. Here there are still tribes with bloody conflicts between them. In the cities, there are youth gangs that rob, steal cars, and rape people. The police do not work at night. Papuans believe in black magic and can burn a woman if they think she is a witch. And there’s also the risk of catching malaria and dengue fever in the local rainforests

- It’s not uncommon to see people armed with assault rifles in the street. Protracted civil war, attacks, terrorist attacks and destruction are everyday occurrences in the Horn of Africa.

The country has had a long full-scale war, after which it has been in ruins, with water and electricity cuts in the cities, high crime rates, armed robbery and kidnapping for ransom

Jamaica is a transportation hub for cocaine, so the crime rate is high. The gap between rich and poor makes the situation worse, so shootings, robberies are not uncommon here. Tourists are mostly attacked for petty thefts, so it’s important to be careful not to walk at night, not to walk in deserted streets and beaches, not to put valuables on display, change your routes.

In general, the trend in recent years has been a decline in the country’s crime rate. However, the level of danger remains high: robbery, violence, kidnapping, and also the proximity of wildlife. Not only can you run into an armed criminal, but also a distraught rhinoceros capable of overturning a jeep.


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