
Nov 17, 2023

5 easy traveling tips for easy traveling

Let’s make it a rule to prepare two lists on paper before every trip, on which we will write down the phone numbers of our country’s consulate in the country we are traveling to. We will also need emergency numbers, phone number and address of the hotel. From experience - at the worst possible moment, all of our gadgets can run out of power. Level 80 prep: put these lists in a plastic baggie.

In each bag, backpack or suitcase we will put 50 dollars. The habit of paying with a card sometimes deprives us of the ability to simply buy our own water. In addition, bad people can steal our wallet, so we will be extremely careful.

We can find beautiful places for photos not only in TripAdvisor and Instagram, but also just by looking at Google maps - there are often waterfalls, bridges, valleys that are not popular with tourists.

Traveling light. A carry-on luggage saves a lot not only packing time, even if we know how to pack for a trip in 15 minutes, but also time waiting for luggage. While everyone else is waiting, we’re already traveling. In small suitcases, we can stuff chargers, socks, etc. into our shoes to save space.

If we have the option of not being tied to dates - we can buy tickets six months in advance. Let’s try to go against the tide, i.e. choose dates that are not the most touristy (holidays, Christmas, etc.). Two useful points - there are no crowds of tourists, and the “low dates help you save on tickets and hotels.

If you want to become an ambassador for Friendly World in your town or village to help people have an unforgettable trip, sign up here as an assistant or local guide. Check out the opportunities that Friendly World has to offer - you can not only help people, but also make new friends and earn money.