About Us - Friendly world

Friendly World

Friendly World is a world of independent travelers. Friendly World will help meet the traveler and the hospitable host. "Friendly person" in an unfamiliar country or city is your confidence that the trip will go well, according to plan, without "nerves", overpayments and imposed services.


Many services focus on a specific service or on a predetermined set of services. For example, a service for selecting accommodation, for renting a car, a service for finding a guide, for visiting museums or excursions. In this case, the cost of services is determined by the performer. Friendly World is all about democracy in this regard!

If you're a traveler

If you are a traveler, you receive the assistant's contacts and basic service (on-line support) through Friendly World. All other arrangements (additional services that you request or the assistant offers) are made directly between you, without the involvement of Friendly World.

If you want, you can donate to the service for development ) But it is not necessary. Additional services are paid by agreement between the parties, Friendly World does not participate in them. This is one of the most important differences between Friendly World and other travel services, in which sites take a percentage for each service provided by the assistant.

After choosing an assistant, you get contacts, you can contact him/her by phone or via personal chat on the Friendly World platform.

The additional assistance provided by an assistant can vary. Meeting you at the airport or train station, which will make your first minutes in the country more comfortable. A joint walk through the "secret" corners of the city, lying outside the standard tourist routes. Getting to know a good car rental company that doesn't charge its customers three hides. Anything! But the most important thing is that you choose what you need, there are no conditions, only a personal agreement with your chosen assistant!


Example of a basic service

This is your "SOS button!" You can call the assistant or write a chat on Friendly World after you arrive in the country or at the time you have chosen in his working calendar. Ask the assistant for a question you have - how to call a taxi, which terminal to go to at the train station, and the like. The assistant will help you stay calm and not be late for anything!

Example of additional service

You are flying from Rio to Stockholm. It's a long flight, you know you're going to be tired and you want to be picked up at the airport and taken straight to your hotel. You choose your travel companion, contact him and ask how much it would cost. You ask him how much he would cost - he could ask you 50 dollars. And you're not willing to pay that much - you spent it in Rio, which is totally understandable. And you've got a lot of money for Stockholm. You offer your price - like 30 bucks. "Okay," says your assistant, "just bring me back some nice souvenir from Rio, a little statue of Christ, for example. Why not? You can buy it at any souvenir shop for five bucks. Deal!

If you want to be an assistant

When you like it - and you definitely will! - maybe you'll decide to become an assistant in your city. Surely you have something to tell people about it and something to show them. And how many nice bonuses the role of an assistant opens up! Look - you can expand your social circle, improve your language skills, make your hometown more appealing to tourists... Plans for the future, yes! Or maybe you can just talk to your fellow countryman. Besides, helping people, you can earn good money. It's very important - as part of the basic service you provide online support, helping people feel confident in another city, but you can also offer additional services for which you set the price yourself. And it can be more than just money - suddenly you need a book you can't find on Amazon, or some exotic item for a gift, or just something very important and meaningful to you from your historical homeland. To make money with Uber or Airbnb, you need to have a car or a house, with Friendly World you only need a desire and some free time.

And now imagine that in every country and city you have familiar people close to you, sharing your views and ready to help - how cool is that! The whole world becomes your home. So it should be, because we are all people of the world, and our globe is very small! Together with Friendly World you will make it comfortable for you, your relatives and friends!
